Open Access
June, 1969 Asymptotic Expansions of the Non-Null Distributions of the Likelihood Ratio Criteria for Multivariate Linear Hypothesis and Independence
Nariaki Sugiura, Yasunori Fujikoshi
Ann. Math. Statist. 40(3): 942-952 (June, 1969). DOI: 10.1214/aoms/1177697599


Asymptotic non-null distribution of the likelihood ratio criterion for testing the linear hypothesis in multivariate analysis is obtained up to the order $N^{-2}$, where $N$ means the sample size, by using the characteristic function expressed in terms of hypergeometric function with matrix argument. This result holds without any assumption on the rank of non-centrality matrix. Asymptotic non-null distribution of the likelihood ratio criterion for independence between two sets of variates is also obtained up to the order $N^{-1}$.


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Nariaki Sugiura. Yasunori Fujikoshi. "Asymptotic Expansions of the Non-Null Distributions of the Likelihood Ratio Criteria for Multivariate Linear Hypothesis and Independence." Ann. Math. Statist. 40 (3) 942 - 952, June, 1969.


Published: June, 1969
First available in Project Euclid: 27 April 2007

zbMATH: 0184.22303
MathSciNet: MR250401
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aoms/1177697599

Rights: Copyright © 1969 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.40 • No. 3 • June, 1969
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