For each hypothesis $H$ of a certain class of simple hypotheses, a family $F$ of tests is determined such that (a) given any test $w$ of $H$ there exists a test $w'$ belonging to $F$ which has power uniformly greater than or equal to that of $w$. (b) no member of $F$ has power uniformly greater than or equal to that of any other member of $F$. The effect on $F$ of various assumptions about the set of alternatives are considered. As an application an optimum property of the known type $A_1$ tests is proved, and a result is obtained concerning the most strigent tests of the hypotheses considered.
E. L. Lehmann. "On Families of Admissible Tests." Ann. Math. Statist. 18 (1) 97 - 104, March, 1947. https://doi.org/10.1214/aoms/1177730496