Open Access
2013 Weighted composition operators and‎ ‎dynamical systems on weighted Spaces of holomorphic functions on‎ ‎Banach spaces
J‎. ‎S‎. Manhas
Ann. Funct. Anal. 4(2): 58-71 (2013). DOI: 10.15352/afa/1399899525


‎Let $B_{X}$ and $B_{Y}$ be the open unit balls of the Banach Spaces $X$ and $%‎ ‎Y$‎, ‎respectively‎. ‎Let $V$ and $W$ be two countable families of weights on $%‎ ‎B_{X}$ and $B_{Y}$‎, ‎respectively‎. ‎Let $HV\left( B_{X}\right) \left(‎ ‎\text{or }HV_{0}\left( B_{X}\right) \right) $ and $HW\left(‎ ‎B_{Y}\right) $ $\left( \text{or }HW_{0}\left( B_{Y}\right) \right) $‎ ‎be the weighted Fréchet spaces of holomorphic functions‎. ‎In this‎ ‎paper‎, ‎we investigate the holomorphic mappings $\phi‎ :‎B_{X}\rightarrow B_{Y}$ and $\psi‎ :‎B_{X}\rightarrow \mathbb{C}$‎ ‎which characterize continuous weighted composition operators between‎ ‎the spaces $HV\left( B_{X}\right) \left( \text{or }HV_{0}\left(‎ ‎B_{X}\right) \right) $ and $HW\left( B_{Y}\right) $ $\left( \text{or‎ ‎}HW_{0}\left( B_{Y}\right) \right)‎ .‎$ Also‎, ‎we obtained a (linear)‎ ‎dynamical system induced by multiplication operators on these‎ ‎weighted spaces‎.


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J‎. ‎S‎. Manhas. "Weighted composition operators and‎ ‎dynamical systems on weighted Spaces of holomorphic functions on‎ ‎Banach spaces." Ann. Funct. Anal. 4 (2) 58 - 71, 2013.


Published: 2013
First available in Project Euclid: 12 May 2014

zbMATH: 1307.47021
MathSciNet: MR3034930
Digital Object Identifier: 10.15352/afa/1399899525

Primary: 47B33
Secondary: 2A10‎ , ‎30H05 , ‎37B05‎ , 47B38 , 47D03

Keywords: dynamical system , multiplication operator , weight , Weighted composition operator , ‎weighted‎ ‎Fréchet space

Rights: Copyright © 2013 Tusi Mathematical Research Group

Vol.4 • No. 2 • 2013
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