Dynamic networks have been increasingly used to characterize brain connectivity that varies during resting and task states. In such characterizations a connectivity network is typically measured at each time point for a subject over a common set of nodes representing brain regions, together with rich subject-level information. A common approach to analyzing such data is an edge-based method that models the connectivity between each pair of nodes separately. However, such approach may have limited performance when the noise level is high and the number of subjects is limited, as it does not take advantage of the inherent network structure. To better understand if and how the subject-level covariates affect the dynamic brain connectivity, we introduce a semiparametric dynamic network response regression that relates a dynamic brain connectivity network to a vector of subject-level covariates. A key advantage of our method is to exploit the structure of dynamic imaging coefficients in the form of high-order tensors. We develop an efficient estimation algorithm and evaluate the efficacy of our approach through simulation studies. Finally, we present our results on the analysis of a task-related study on social cognition in the Human Connectome Project, where we identify known sex-specific effects on brain connectivity that cannot be inferred using alternative methods.
Funding Statement
Kong’s research is partially supported by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Jingfei Zhang was supported by NSF Grants DMS-2210469 and DMS-2329296.
We are very grateful to anonymous referees, the Associate Editor, and the Editor for their valuable comments that have greatly improved the manuscript.
The first two authors contributed equally to this work.
Maoyu Zhang. Biao Cai. Wenlin Dai. Dehan Kong. Hongyu Zhao. Jingfei Zhang. "Learning brain connectivity in social cognition with dynamic network regression." Ann. Appl. Stat. 18 (4) 3405 - 3424, December 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/24-AOAS1942