Foreign public issuers (FPIs) are required by the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) to file Form 20-F as comprehensive annual reports. In an effort to increase the usefulness of 20-Fs, the SEC recently enacted a regulation to accelerate the deadline of 20-F filing from six months to four months after the fiscal year-end. The rationale is that the shortened reporting lag would improve the informational relevance of 20-Fs. In this work we propose a jump additive model to evaluate the SEC’s rationale by investigating the relationship between the timeliness of 20-F filing and its decision usefulness using the market data. The proposed model extends the conventional additive models to allow possible discontinuities in the regression functions. We suggest a two-step jump-preserving estimation procedure and show that it is statistically consistent. By applying the procedure to the 20-F study, we find a moderate positive association between the magnitude of the market reaction and the filing timeliness when the acceleration is less than $17$ days. We also find that the market considers the filings significantly more informative when the acceleration is more than $18$ days and such reaction tapers off when the acceleration exceeds $40$ days.
Yicheng Kang. "Measuring timeliness of annual reports filing by jump additive models." Ann. Appl. Stat. 14 (4) 1604 - 1621, December 2020. https://doi.org/10.1214/20-AOAS1365