We establish inequalities for assessing the distance between the distribution of a (possibly multidimensional) functional of a Poisson random measure and that of a Gaussian element. Our bounds only involve add-one cost operators at the order one—that we evaluate and compare at two different scales—and are specifically tailored for studying the Gaussian fluctuations of sequences of geometric functionals displaying a form of weak stabilization—see Penrose and Yukich (Ann. Appl. Probab. 11 (2001) 1005–1041) and Penrose (Ann. Probab. 33 (2005) 1945–1991). Our main bounds extend the estimates recently exploited by Chatterjee and Sen (Ann. Appl. Probab. 27 (2017) 1588–1645) in the proof of a quantitative version of the central limit theorem (CLT) for the length of the Poisson-based Euclidean minimal spanning tree (MST). We develop in full detail three applications of our bounds, namely: (i) to a quantitative multidimensional spatial CLT for functionals of the on-line nearest neighbour graph, (ii) to a quantitative multidimensional CLT involving functionals of the empirical measure associated with the edge-length of the Euclidean MST, and (iii) to a collection of multidimensional CLTs for geometric functionals of the excursion set of heavy-tailed shot noise random fields. Application (i) is based on a collection of general probabilistic approximations for strongly stabilizing functionals, that is of independent interest.
Funding Statement
The research developed in the present paper has been supported by the FNR grants FoRGES (R-AGR3376-10) at Luxembourg University, and MISSILe (R-AGR-3410-12-Z) at Luxembourg and Singapore Universities.
We thank Günter Last, Mathew Penrose, Matthias Schulte, Andrew Wade and Joe Yukich for several useful remarks on some preliminary versions of our work. We are grateful to Tara Trauthwein for discussions around the ONNG, and to two anonymous referees for many important suggestions and remarks.
Raphaël Lachièze-Rey. Giovanni Peccati. Xiaochuan Yang. "Quantitative two-scale stabilization on the Poisson space." Ann. Appl. Probab. 32 (4) 3085 - 3145, August 2022. https://doi.org/10.1214/21-AAP1768