August 2021 Derivative martingale of the branching Brownian motion in dimension d1
Roman Stasiński, Julien Berestycki, Bastien Mallein
Author Affiliations +
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 57(3): 1786-1810 (August 2021). DOI: 10.1214/20-AIHP1131


We consider a branching Brownian motion in Rd. We prove that there exists a random subset Θ of Sd1 of full measure such that the limit of the derivative martingale exists simultaneously for all directions θΘ almost surely. This allows us to define a random measure on Sd1 whose density is given by the derivative martingale.

The proof is based on first moment arguments: we approximate the martingale of interest by a series of processes, which do not take into account particles that travelled too far away. We show that these new processes are uniformly integrable martingales whose limits can be made to converge to the limit of the original martingale.

On considère un mouvement brownien branchant dans Rd. Nous montrons qu’il existe presque sûrement un sous-ensemble aléatoire Θ de Sd1 de mesure pleine tel que la limite de la martingale dérivée existe simultanément pour toutes les directions θΘ. Cela nous permet de définir une mesure aléatoire sur Sd1 dont la densité est donnée par la martingale dérivée.

La preuve est basée sur des arguments de premier moment : nous approchons les martingales d’intérêt par une série de processus, qui ne prennent pas en compte les particules qui ont voyagé trop loin. Nous montrons que ces nouveaux processus sont des martingales uniformément intégrables dont les limites convergent vers les limites des martingales d’origine.


We thank Alison Etheridge, Christina Goldschmidt and the referee for many helpful comments. A significant portion of the work was conducted while B.M. was invited at the University of Oxford, he gratefully acknowledges hospitality and the financial support. B.M. is partially supported by ANR grant MALIN (ANR-16-CE93-0003).


Download Citation

Roman Stasiński. Julien Berestycki. Bastien Mallein. "Derivative martingale of the branching Brownian motion in dimension d1." Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 57 (3) 1786 - 1810, August 2021.


Received: 2 April 2020; Revised: 19 October 2020; Accepted: 17 November 2020; Published: August 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 22 July 2021

MathSciNet: MR4291461
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/20-AIHP1131

Primary: 60G50 , 60J80
Secondary: 60F17 , 60G44

Keywords: Branching Brownian motion , Brownian motion , derivative martingale

Rights: Copyright © 2021 Association des Publications de l’Institut Henri Poincaré


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Vol.57 • No. 3 • August 2021
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