Open Access
2009 On coproducts in varieties, quasivarieties and prevarieties
George Bergman
Algebra Number Theory 3(8): 847-879 (2009). DOI: 10.2140/ant.2009.3.847


If the free algebra F on one generator in a variety V of algebras (in the sense of universal algebra) has a subalgebra free on two generators, must it also have a subalgebra free on three generators? In general, no; but yes if F generates the variety V.

Generalizing the argument, it is shown that if we are given an algebra and subalgebras, A0An, in a prevariety (S-closed class of algebras) P such that An generates P, and also subalgebras BiAi1 (0<in) such that for each i>0 the subalgebra of Ai1 generated by Ai and Bi is their coproduct in P, then the subalgebra of A generated by B1,,Bn is the coproduct in P of these algebras.

Some further results on coproducts are noted:

If P satisfies the amalgamation property, then one has the stronger “transitivity” statement, that if A has a finite family of subalgebras (Bi)iI such that the subalgebra of A generated by the Bi is their coproduct, and each Bi has a finite family of subalgebras (Cij)jJi with the same property, then the subalgebra of A generated by all the Cij is their coproduct.

For P a residually small prevariety or an arbitrary quasivariety, relationships are proved between the least number of algebras needed to generate P as a prevariety or quasivariety, and behavior of the coproduct operation in P.

It is shown by example that for B a subgroup of the group S= Sym(Ω) of all permutations of an infinite set Ω, the group S need not have a subgroup isomorphic over B to the coproduct with amalgamation SBS. But under various additional hypotheses on B, the question remains open.


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George Bergman. "On coproducts in varieties, quasivarieties and prevarieties." Algebra Number Theory 3 (8) 847 - 879, 2009.


Received: 10 June 2008; Revised: 23 November 2009; Accepted: 26 November 2009; Published: 2009
First available in Project Euclid: 20 December 2017

zbMATH: 1194.08002
MathSciNet: MR2587406
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2140/ant.2009.3.847

Primary: 08B25 , 08B26 , 08C15
Secondary: 03C05 , 08A60 , 08B20 , 20M30

Keywords: amalgamation property , coproduct of algebras in a variety or quasivariety or prevariety , free algebra on $n$ generators containing a subalgebra free on more than $n$ generators , number of algebras needed to generate a quasivariety or prevariety , symmetric group on an infinite set

Rights: Copyright © 2009 Mathematical Sciences Publishers

Vol.3 • No. 8 • 2009
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