Using ultrapowers of $C^*$-algebras we provide a new construction of the multiplier algebra of a $C^*$-algebra. This extends the work of Avsec and Goldbring [Houston J. Math., to appear, arXiv:1610.09276] to the setting of noncommutative and non separable $C^*$-algebras. We also extend their work to give a new proof of the fact that groups acting transitively on locally finite trees with boundary amenable stabilizers are boundary amenable.
Facundo Poggi. Román Sasyk. "An ultrapower construction of the multiplier algebra of a $C^*$-algebra and an application to boundary amenability of groups." Adv. Oper. Theory 4 (4) 852 - 864, Autumn 2019. https://doi.org/10.15352/aot.1904-1501