The present paper conduct to introduce the connection and duplication formulas associated with the Boas-Buck-Appell polynomials. Examples providing the analogues results for certain members related to the Boas-Buck-Appell polynomials are considered.
Funding Statement
This work has been done under Senior Research Fellowship (Award letter No. F./2014-15/NFO-2014-15-OBC-UTT-24168/(SA-III/Website)) awarded to Ms. Tabinda Nahid by the University Grants Commission, Government of India, New Delhi.
Tabinda Nahid. Subuhi Khan. "Connection and duplication formulas for the Boas-Buck-Appell polynomials." Tbilisi Math. J. 12 (3) 131 - 139, July 2019. https://doi.org/10.32513/tbilisi/1569463239