We investigate the asymptotic properties of the inhomogeneous nonautonomous evolution equation , where is a Hille-Yosida operator on a Banach space , is a family of operators in satisfying certain boundedness and measurability conditions and . The solutions of the corresponding homogeneous equations are represented by an evolution family . For various function spaces we show conditions on and which ensure the existence of a unique solution contained in . In particular, if is -periodic there exists a unique bounded solution subject to certain spectral assumptions on and . We apply the results to nonautonomous semilinear retarded differential equations. For certain -periodic retarded differential equations we derive a characteristic equation which is used to determine the spectrum of .
Gabriele Gühring. Frank Räbiger. "Asymptotic properties of mild solutions of nonautonomous evolution equations with applications to retarded differential equations." Abstr. Appl. Anal. 4 (3) 169 - 194, 1999. https://doi.org/10.1155/S1085337599000214