We study the global property in a delayed periodic predator-prey model with stage-structure in prey and density-independence in predator. The sufficient conditions on the ultimate boundedness of all positive solutions are obtained, and the sufficient conditions of the integrable form for the permanence and extinction are further established, respectively. Some well-known results on the predator density-dependency are improved and extended to the predator density-independent cases. The theoretical results are confirmed by the special examples and the numerical simulations.
Xiaolin Fan. Zhidong Teng. Haijun Jiang. "Global Property in a Delayed Periodic Predator-Prey Model with Stage-Structure in Prey and Density-Independence in Predator." Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014 (SI01) 1 - 12, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/172380