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2004 A class of real cocycles over an irrational rotation for which Rokhlin cocycle extensions have Lebesgue component in the spectrum
Magdalena Wysokińska
Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 24(2): 387-407 (2004).


We describe a class of functions $f\colon \mathcal B/\mathbb Z \to \mathcal B$ such that for each irrational rotation $Tx=x+\alpha$, where $\alpha$ has the property that the sequence of aritmethical means of its partial quotients is bounded, the corresponding weighted unitary operators $L^2({\mathbb{R} / \mathbb{Z})\ni g \mapsto e^{2 \pi icf} \cdot g \circ T$ have a Lebesgue spectrum for each $c\in \mathbb R\setminus\{0\}$. We show that for such $f$ and $T$ and for an arbitrary ergodic $\mathcal B$-action $\mathcal S=(S_t)_{t\in\mathcal B}$ on $(Y,\mathcal C,\nu)$ the corresponding Rokhlin cocycle extension $T_{f,\mathcal S}(x,y)=(Tx,S_{f(x)}y)$ acting on $(\mathcal B/\mathbb Z\times Y,\mu \otimes \nu)$ has also a Lebesgue spectrum in the orthogonal complement of $L^2(\mathcal B/\mathbb Z,\mu)$ and moreover the weak closure of powers of $T_{f,\mathcal S}$ in the space of self-joinings consists of ergodic elements.


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Magdalena Wysokińska. "A class of real cocycles over an irrational rotation for which Rokhlin cocycle extensions have Lebesgue component in the spectrum." Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 24 (2) 387 - 407, 2004.


Published: 2004
First available in Project Euclid: 23 June 2016

zbMATH: 1062.37003
MathSciNet: MR2114916

Rights: Copyright © 2004 Juliusz P. Schauder Centre for Nonlinear Studies

Vol.24 • No. 2 • 2004
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