Open Access
2008 Text Data Mining: Theory and Methods
Jeffrey L. Solka
Statist. Surv. 2: 94-112 (2008). DOI: 10.1214/07-SS016


This paper provides the reader with a very brief introduction to some of the theory and methods of text data mining. The intent of this article is to introduce the reader to some of the current methodologies that are employed within this discipline area while at the same time making the reader aware of some of the interesting challenges that remain to be solved within the area. Finally, the articles serves as a very rudimentary tutorial on some of techniques while also providing the reader with a list of references for additional study.


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Jeffrey L. Solka. "Text Data Mining: Theory and Methods." Statist. Surv. 2 94 - 112, 2008.


Published: 2008
First available in Project Euclid: 16 July 2008

zbMATH: 1189.62192
MathSciNet: MR2520982
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/07-SS016

Primary: 62-01
Secondary: 62A01

Keywords: clustering , dimensionality reduction , discriminant analysis , feature extraction , manifold learning , pattern recognition , text data mining , visualization

Rights: Copyright © 2008 The author, under a Creative Commons Attribution License

Vol.2 • 2008
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