Open Access
2014 New characterizations of minimal cusco maps
Ľubica Holá, Dušan Holý
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 44(6): 1851-1866 (2014). DOI: 10.1216/RMJ-2014-44-6-1851


We give new characterizations of minimal cusco maps in the class of all set-valued maps extending results from \cite{BZ1, GM}. Let $X$ be a topological space and $Y$ a Hausdorff locally convex linear topological space. Let $F: X \to Y$ be a set-valued map. The following are equivalent: (1)~$F$ is minimal cusco; (2)~$F$ has nonempty compact values, there is a quasicontinuous, subcontinuous selection $f$ of $F$ such that $F(x) = \overline{co\,}\overline f(x)$ for every $x \in X$; (3)~$F$ has nonempty compact values, there is a densely defined subcontinuous, quasicontinuous selection $f$ of $F$ such that $F(x) = \overline{co}\,\overline f(x)$ for every $x \in X$; (4)~$F$ has nonempty compact convex values, $F$ has a closed graph, every extreme function of $F$ is quasicontinuous, subcontinuous and any two extreme functions of $F$ have the same closures of their graphs. Some applications to known results are given.


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Ľubica Holá. Dušan Holý. "New characterizations of minimal cusco maps." Rocky Mountain J. Math. 44 (6) 1851 - 1866, 2014.


Published: 2014
First available in Project Euclid: 2 February 2015

zbMATH: 1328.54014
MathSciNet: MR3310951
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1216/RMJ-2014-44-6-1851

Primary: ‎54C60‎
Secondary: 54B20

Keywords: extreme function , minimal cusco map , quasicontinuous function , selection , set-valued mapping , sub continuous function

Rights: Copyright © 2014 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium

Vol.44 • No. 6 • 2014
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