Open Access
2014 Borel and continuous systems of measures
Aviv Censor, Daniele Grandini
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 44(4): 1073-1110 (2014). DOI: 10.1216/RMJ-2014-44-4-1073


We study Borel systems and continuous systems of measures, with a focus on mapping properties: compositions, liftings, fibred products and disintegration. Parts of the theory we develop can be derived from known work in the literature, and in that sense this paper is of an expository nature. However, we put the above notions in the spotlight and provide a self-contained, purely measure-theoretic, detailed and thorough investigation of their properties, and in that aspect our paper enhances and complements the existing literature. Our work constitutes part of the necessary theoretical framework for categorical constructions involving measured and topological groupoids with Haar systems, a line of research we pursue in separate papers.


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Aviv Censor. Daniele Grandini. "Borel and continuous systems of measures." Rocky Mountain J. Math. 44 (4) 1073 - 1110, 2014.


Published: 2014
First available in Project Euclid: 31 October 2014

zbMATH: 1316.28003
MathSciNet: MR3274338
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1216/RMJ-2014-44-4-1073

Primary: 22A22 , 28A50

Keywords: Borel system of measures , disintegration , fibred product , groupoid , Haar system , lifting , System of measures

Rights: Copyright © 2014 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium

Vol.44 • No. 4 • 2014
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