Open Access
2012/2013 On Representations of Baire One Functions as the Sum of Lower and Upper Semicontinuous Functions
Robert Menkyna
Real Anal. Exchange 38(1): 169-176 (2012/2013).


According to the Vitali-Carathéodory theorem, the integral of a finite summable function \(f\) on a measurable set may be approximated by the integral of a sum of lower and upper semicontinuous functions. In the case, that \(f\) is a Baire one function, we give the answer to the following question: is there a lower semicontinuous function \(l\) and a upper semicontinuous function \(u\) such that \(f=l+u\) almost everywhere? The answer is in general negative.


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Robert Menkyna. "On Representations of Baire One Functions as the Sum of Lower and Upper Semicontinuous Functions." Real Anal. Exchange 38 (1) 169 - 176, 2012/2013.


Published: 2012/2013
First available in Project Euclid: 29 April 2013

zbMATH: 1278.26004
MathSciNet: MR3083204

Primary: 26A15 , 26A21

Keywords: Darboux property , function of Baire one class , semicontinuity

Rights: Copyright © 2012 Michigan State University Press

Vol.38 • No. 1 • 2012/2013
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