Open Access
2000/2001 On Discrete Limits of Sequences of Darboux Bilaterally Quasicontinuous Functions
Zbigniew Grande
Real Anal. Exchange 26(2): 727-734 (2000/2001).


In this article we show that a function $f$, such that the complement of the set of points at which $f$ has the Darboux property and is bilaterally quasicontinuous is nowhere dense, must be the discrete limit of a sequence of bilaterally quasicontinuous Darboux functions. Moreover, there is given a construction of a function that is the discrete limit of a sequence of bilaterally quasicontinuous Darboux functions and which does not have a local Darboux property on a dense set.


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Zbigniew Grande. "On Discrete Limits of Sequences of Darboux Bilaterally Quasicontinuous Functions." Real Anal. Exchange 26 (2) 727 - 734, 2000/2001.


Published: 2000/2001
First available in Project Euclid: 27 June 2008

zbMATH: 1024.26002
MathSciNet: MR1844389

Primary: 26A15 , 26A21 , 26A99

Keywords: bilateral quasicontinuity , Darboux property , discrete convergence , Quasicontinuity

Rights: Copyright © 2000 Michigan State University Press

Vol.26 • No. 2 • 2000/2001
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