Open Access
2004-2005 Triangular maps non-decreasing on the fibers.
Zdeněk Kočan
Author Affiliations +
Real Anal. Exchange 30(2): 519-538 (2004-2005).


There is a list of about 50 properties which characterize continuous maps of the interval with zero topological entropy. Most of them were proved by A.N. Sharkovsky [cf., e.g., Sharkovsky et al., Dynamics of One-Dimensional Mappings, Kluwer 1997]. It is also well known that only a few of these properties remain equivalent for continuous maps of the square. Recall, e.g., the famous Kolyada's example of a triangular map of type $2^\infty$ with positive topological entropy. In 1989 Sharkovsky formulated the problem to classify these conditions in a special case of triangular maps of the square. The present paper is a step toward the solution. In particular, we give a classification of 23 conditions in the case of triangular maps of the square which are non-decreasing on the fibers. We show that the weakest is"no homoclinic trajectory", the two strongest, mutually incomparable, are "map restricted to the set of chain recurrent points is not Li and Yorke chaotic" and "every $\omega$-limit set contains a unique minimal set"


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Zdeněk Kočan. "Triangular maps non-decreasing on the fibers.." Real Anal. Exchange 30 (2) 519 - 538, 2004-2005.


Published: 2004-2005
First available in Project Euclid: 15 October 2005

zbMATH: 1099.37033
MathSciNet: MR2177416

Primary: 37B20 , 37E99 , 54H20‎

Keywords: equivalent conditions , Triangular maps , zero topological entropy

Rights: Copyright © 2004 Michigan State University Press

Vol.30 • No. 2 • 2004-2005
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