Miniconference on Linear Analysis and Functional Spaces
October 18-20, 1984 | Australian National University, Canberra
Miniconference on Linear Analysis and Functional Spaces

Editor(s) Alan G.R. McIntosh, Alan J. Pryde

Proc. Centre Math. Appl., 9: 282pp. (1985).
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications
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Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, - (1985). Open Access
Joe Diestel
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 1-26 (1985). Open Access
Eugene B. Fabes
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 27-45 (1985). Open Access
Nobuyuki Ikeda , Ichiro Shigekawa , Setsuo Taniguchi
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 46-113 (1985). Open Access
E.M. Stein
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 114-119 (1985). Open Access
Hans Triebel
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 120-131 (1985). Open Access
Gavin Brown
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 132-140 (1985). Open Access
Gavin Brown , William Moran , Charles E.M. Pearce
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 141-149 (1985). Open Access
Gerard J.H.M. Buskes
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 150-154 (1985). Open Access
A.L. Carey , D.E. Evans
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 155-164 (1985). Open Access
B.M.N. Clarke
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 165-176 (1985). Open Access
Michael Cowling
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 177-184 (1985). Open Access
Peter G. Dodds
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 185-193 (1985). Open Access
A.H. Dooley
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 194-199 (1985). Open Access
Grahame Hardy
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 200-205 (1985). Open Access
Anton K. Holzherr , William Moran
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 206-211 (1985). Open Access
Alan McIntosh , Alan Pryde
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 212-222 (1985). Open Access
W. McLean
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 223-240 (1985). Open Access
John F. Price
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 241-258 (1985). Open Access
Brailey Sims
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 259-264 (1985). Open Access
E. Tarafdar
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 265-275 (1985). Open Access
David Yost
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9, 276-282 (1985). Open Access
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