The goal of this article is to take a step toward the resolution of the problem of finding an analytic sequent calculus for the logic of proofs. For this, we focus on the system Ilp, the intuitionistic version of the logic of proofs. First we present the sequent calculus Gilp that is sound and complete with respect to the system Ilp; we prove that Gilp is cut-free and contraction-free, but it still does not enjoy the subformula property. Then, we enrich the language of the logic of proofs and we formulate in this language a second Gentzen calculus
Brian Hill. Francesca Poggiolesi. "An Analytic Calculus for the Intuitionistic Logic of Proofs." Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 60 (3) 353 - 393, August 2019. https://doi.org/10.1215/00294527-2019-0008