Open Access
March 2007 The Borel direction of the largest type of algebroid functions dealing with multiple values
Zu-Xing Xuan, Zong-Sheng Gao
Kodai Math. J. 30(1): 97-110 (March 2007). DOI: 10.2996/kmj/1175287625


In this paper, we prove that for algebroid functions of order ρ satisfying that 0 < ρ < +∞, there exists a Borel direction of the largest type dealing with multiple values and there is a sequence of filling disks in this direction.


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Zu-Xing Xuan. Zong-Sheng Gao. "The Borel direction of the largest type of algebroid functions dealing with multiple values." Kodai Math. J. 30 (1) 97 - 110, March 2007.


Published: March 2007
First available in Project Euclid: 30 March 2007

MathSciNet: MR2319080
zbMATH: 1134.30023
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2996/kmj/1175287625

Rights: Copyright © 2007 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics

Vol.30 • No. 1 • March 2007
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