In this paper we provide a sufficient condition for a prime to be a congruence prime for an automorphic form on the unitary group for a large class of totally real fields via a divisibility of a special value of the standard -function associated to . We also study -adic properties of the Fourier coefficients of an Ikeda lift (of an elliptic modular form ) on , proving that they are -adic integers which do not all vanish modulo . Finally we combine these results to show that the condition of being a congruence prime for is controlled by the -divisibility of a product of special values of the symmetric square -function of . We close the paper by computing an example when our main theorem applies.
Jim Brown. Krzysztof Klosin. "Congruence primes for automorphic forms on unitary groups and applications to the arithmetic of Ikeda lifts." Kyoto J. Math. 60 (1) 179 - 217, April 2020. https://doi.org/10.1215/21562261-2019-0007