Beauville and Donagi proved in 1985 that the primitive middle cohomology of a smooth complex cubic -fold and the primitive second cohomology of its variety of lines, a smooth hyper-Kähler -fold, are isomorphic as polarized integral Hodge structures. We prove analogous statements for smooth complex Gushel–Mukai varieties of dimension (resp., ), that is, smooth dimensionally transverse intersections of the cone over the Grassmannian , a quadric, and two hyperplanes (resp., of the cone over and a quadric). The associated hyper-Kähler -fold is in both cases a smooth double cover of a hypersurface in called an Eisenbud–Popescu–Walter sextic.
Olivier Debarre. Alexander Kuznetsov. "Gushel–Mukai varieties: Linear spaces and periods." Kyoto J. Math. 59 (4) 897 - 953, December 2019. https://doi.org/10.1215/21562261-2019-0030