VOL. 59 · NO. 1 | April 2019
Kyoto J. Math. 59 (1), (April 2019) Open Access
No abstract available
Kyoto J. Math. 59 (1), (April 2019) Open Access
No abstract available
Kouyemon Iriye, Daisuke Kishimoto
Kyoto J. Math. 59 (1), 1-51, (April 2019) DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2017-0038
KEYWORDS: polyhedral product, moment-angle complex, fat-wedge filtration, Golodness, sequentially Cohen–Macaulay complex, neighborly complex, 55P15, 05E45, 52B22
Oliver T. Margetts, R. Srinivasan
Kyoto J. Math. 59 (1), 53-75, (April 2019) DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2018-0002
KEYWORDS: ∗-endomorphisms, $E_{0}$-semigroups, type III factors, noncommutative probability, superproduct systems, 46L55, 46L40, 46L53, 46C99
Andreas Andersson
Kyoto J. Math. 59 (1), 77-123, (April 2019) DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2018-0003
KEYWORDS: Thom isomorphism, Kasparov KK-theory, spectral triples, noncommutative geometry, 19K56, 19K33, 19K35
Dragos Oprea
Kyoto J. Math. 59 (1), 125-166, (April 2019) DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2018-0004
KEYWORDS: moduli of sheaves, abelian surfaces, generalized theta functions, 14J60, 14D20, 14K99
Christopher L. Douglas, Christopher Schommer-Pries, Noah Snyder
Kyoto J. Math. 59 (1), 167-179, (April 2019) DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2018-0006
KEYWORDS: tensor category, module category, Deligne tensor product, Kelly tensor product, 18D10, 13C60
Adrien Dubouloz
Kyoto J. Math. 59 (1), 181-193, (April 2019) DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2018-0005
KEYWORDS: affine surfaces, cylinders, cancellation problem, 14R05, 14R25, 14E07
Emilio Franco, Marcos Jardim, Grégoire Menet
Kyoto J. Math. 59 (1), 195-235, (April 2019) DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2018-0009
KEYWORDS: K3 surfaces, involutions, mirror symmetry, 14J28, 14J33, 14J50
Abdolnaser Bahlekeh, Ali Mahin Fallah, Shokrollah Salarian
Kyoto J. Math. 59 (1), 237-266, (April 2019) DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2018-0010
KEYWORDS: Auslander transpose, morphism category of modules, horizontally linked morphisms, Auslander–Reiten translation, almost split sequence, 13H10, 16G30, 13D02, 13D07
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