We study the relationship between postulation and reduction vectors of admissible multigraded filtrations $\mathcal{F}= \{\mathcal{F} (\underline{n})\}_{\underline{n} \in \mathbb{Z} ^s}$ of ideals in Cohen-Macaulay local rings of dimension at most two. This is enabled by a suitable generalization of the Kirby-Mehran complex. An analysis of its homology leads to an analogue of Huneke's fundamental lemma which plays a crucial role in our investigations. We also clarify the relationship between the Cohen-Macaulay property of the multigraded Rees algebra of $\mathcal{F} $ and reduction vectors with respect to complete reductions of $\mathcal{F} $.
Parangama Sarkar. J.K. Verma. "Postulation and reduction vectors of multigraded filtrations of ideals." J. Commut. Algebra 9 (4) 563 - 597, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1216/JCA-2017-9-4-563