August 2003 Health Effects of Air Pollution:\\ A Statistical Review
Francesca Dominici, Lianne Sheppard, Merlise Clyde
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Internat. Statist. Rev. 71(2): 243-276 (August 2003).


We critically review and compare epidemiological designs and statistical approaches to estimate associations between air pollution and health. More specifically, we aim to address the following questions: \begin{enumerate} \item[1.]{\bf<i>Which epidemiological designs and statistical methods are available to estimate associations between air pollution and health?</i>} \item[2.]{\bf<i>What are the recent methodological advances in the estimation of the health effects of air pollution in time series studies?</i>} \item[3.]{\bf<i>What are the the main methodological challenges and future research opportunities relevant to regulatory policy?</i>} \end{enumerate} In question 1, we identify strengths and limitations of time series, cohort, case-crossover and panel sampling designs. In question 2, we focus on time series studies and we review statistical methods for: 1) combining information across multiple locations to estimate overall air pollution effects; 2) estimating the health effects of air pollution taking into account of model uncertainties; 3) investigating the consequences of exposure measurement error in the estimation of the health effects of air pollution; and 4) estimating air pollution-health exposure-response curves. Here, we also discuss the extent to which these statistical contributions have addressed key substantive questions. In question 3, within a set of policy-relevant-questions, we identify research opportunities and point out current data limitations.


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Francesca Dominici. Lianne Sheppard. Merlise Clyde. "Health Effects of Air Pollution:\\ A Statistical Review." Internat. Statist. Rev. 71 (2) 243 - 276, August 2003.


Published: August 2003
First available in Project Euclid: 18 November 2003

zbMATH: 1114.62358

Keywords: Air pollution , Epidemiological Designs , Exposure Measurement error , hierarchical models , model choice , time series

Rights: Copyright © 2003 International Statistical Institute


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Vol.71 • No. 2 • August 2003
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