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2003 The Average Distance in a Random Graph with Given Expected Degrees
Fan Chung, Linyuan Lu
Internet Math. 1(1): 91-113 (2003).


Random graph theory is used to examine the "small-world phenomenon"---any two strangers are connected through a short chain of mutual acquaintances. We will show that for certain families of random graphs with given expected degrees, the average distance is almost surely of order logn/logd~ where d~ is the weighted average of the sum of squares of the expected degrees. Of particular interest are power law random graphs in which the number of vertices of degree k is proportional to 1/kβ for some fixed exponent β. For the case of β>3, we prove that the average distance of the power law graphs is almost surely of order logn/logd~. However, many Internet, social, and citation networks are power law graphs with exponents in the range 2<β<3 for which the power law random graphs have average distance almost surely of order loglogn, but have diameter of order logn (provided having some mild constraints for the average distance and maximum degree). In particular, these graphs contain a dense subgraph, that we call the core, having nc/loglogn vertices. Almost all vertices are within distance loglogn of the core although there are vertices at distance logn from the core.


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Fan Chung. Linyuan Lu. "The Average Distance in a Random Graph with Given Expected Degrees." Internet Math. 1 (1) 91 - 113, 2003.


Published: 2003
First available in Project Euclid: 9 July 2003

zbMATH: 1065.05084
MathSciNet: MR2076728

Rights: Copyright © 2003 A K Peters, Ltd.

Vol.1 • No. 1 • 2003
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