Dimofte, Gaiotto and Gukov introduced a powerful invariant, the 3D-index, associated to a suitable ideal triangulation of a 3-manifold with torus boundary components. The 3D-index is a collection of formal power series in $q^{1/2}$ with integer coefficients. Our goal is to explain how the 3D-index is a generating series of normal surfaces associated to the ideal triangulation. This shows a connection of the 3D-index with classical normal surface theory, and fulfills a dream of constructing topological invariants of 3-manifolds using normal surfaces.
Stavros Garoufalidis. Craig D. Hodgson. Neil R. Hoffman. J. Hyam Rubinstein. "The 3D-index and normal surfaces." Illinois J. Math. 60 (1) 289 - 352, Spring 2016. https://doi.org/10.1215/ijm/1498032034