A cap in PG is said to have a free pair of points if any plane containing that pair contains at most one other point from the cap. In an earlier paper we determined the largest size of caps with free pairs for and . In this paper we use product constructions to prove similar results in dimensions and that are asymptotically as large as possible. If is even, we determine exactly the largest size of a cap in PG with a free pair. In PG we give constructions of a maximal size -cap having a free pair and of the complete -cap that contains it. Additionally, we give some sporadic examples in higher dimensions.
Jeffrey B. Farr. Petr Lisoněk. "Large caps with free pairs in dimensions five and six." Innov. Incidence Geom. 4 69 - 88, 2006. https://doi.org/10.2140/iig.2006.4.69