Open Access
2004 Weighted $L^2$–cohomology of Coxeter groups based on barycentric subdivisons
Boris Okun
Geom. Topol. 8(3): 1032-1042 (2004). DOI: 10.2140/gt.2004.8.1032


Associated to any finite flag complex L there is a right-angled Coxeter group WL and a contractible cubical complex ΣL (the Davis complex) on which WL acts properly and cocompactly, and such that the link of each vertex is L. It follows that if L is a generalized homology sphere, then ΣL is a contractible homology manifold. We prove a generalized version of the Singer Conjecture (on the vanishing of the reduced weighted Lq2–cohomology above the middle dimension) for the right-angled Coxeter groups based on barycentric subdivisions in even dimensions. We also prove this conjecture for the groups based on the barycentric subdivision of the boundary complex of a simplex.


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Boris Okun. "Weighted $L^2$–cohomology of Coxeter groups based on barycentric subdivisons." Geom. Topol. 8 (3) 1032 - 1042, 2004.


Received: 15 March 2004; Revised: 3 August 2004; Accepted: 11 July 2004; Published: 2004
First available in Project Euclid: 21 December 2017

zbMATH: 1062.58026
MathSciNet: MR2087077
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2140/gt.2004.8.1032

Primary: 58G12
Secondary: 20F32 , 20F55 , 20J05 , 57S30

Keywords: aspherical manifold , Barycentric subdivision , Coxeter group , Singer conjecture , Tomei manifold , weighted $L^2$–cohomology

Rights: Copyright © 2004 Mathematical Sciences Publishers

Vol.8 • No. 3 • 2004
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