Open Access
2005 Toward a general theory of linking invariants
Vladimir V Chernov, Yuli B Rudyak
Geom. Topol. 9(4): 1881-1913 (2005). DOI: 10.2140/gt.2005.9.1881


Let N1,N2,M be smooth manifolds with dimN1+ dimN2+1= dimM and let ϕi, for i=1,2, be smooth mappings of Ni to M where Imϕ1 Imϕ2=. The classical linking number lk(ϕ1,ϕ2) is defined only when ϕ1[N1]=ϕ2[N2]=0H(M).

The affine linking invariant alk is a generalization of lk to the case where ϕ1[N1] or ϕ2[N2] are not zero-homologous. In [?] we constructed the first examples of affine linking invariants of nonzero-homologous spheres in the spherical tangent bundle of a manifold, and showed that alk is intimately related to the causality relation of wave fronts on manifolds. In this paper we develop the general theory.

The invariant alk appears to be a universal Vassiliev–Goussarov invariant of order 1. In the case where ϕ1[N1]=ϕ2[N2]=0H(M), it is a splitting of the classical linking number into a collection of independent invariants.

To construct alk we introduce a new pairing μ on the bordism groups of spaces of mappings of N1 and N2 into M, not necessarily under the restriction dimN1+ dimN2+1= dimM. For the zero-dimensional bordism groups, μ can be related to the Hatcher–Quinn invariant. In the case N1=N2=S1, it is related to the Chas–Sullivan string homology super Lie bracket, and to the Goldman Lie bracket of free loops on surfaces.


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Vladimir V Chernov. Yuli B Rudyak. "Toward a general theory of linking invariants." Geom. Topol. 9 (4) 1881 - 1913, 2005.


Received: 30 January 2004; Revised: 20 September 2005; Accepted: 20 September 2005; Published: 2005
First available in Project Euclid: 20 December 2017

zbMATH: 1085.57020
MathSciNet: MR2175159
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2140/gt.2005.9.1881

Primary: 57R19
Secondary: 14M07 , 53Z05 , 55N22 , 55N45 , 57M27 , 57R40 , 57R45 , 57R52

Keywords: bordisms , causality , embeddings , Goldman bracket , intersections , isotopy , linking invariants , wave fronts , Winding numbers

Rights: Copyright © 2005 Mathematical Sciences Publishers

Vol.9 • No. 4 • 2005
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