We prove that the convex least squares estimator (LSE) attains a $n^{-1/2}$ pointwise rate of convergence in any region where the truth is linear. In addition, the asymptotic distribution can be characterized by a modified invelope process. Analogous results hold when one uses the derivative of the convex LSE to perform derivative estimation. These asymptotic results facilitate a new consistent testing procedure on the linearity against a convex alternative. Moreover, we show that the convex LSE adapts to the optimal rate at the boundary points of the region where the truth is linear, up to a log-log factor. These conclusions are valid in the context of both density estimation and regression function estimation.
Yining Chen. Jon A. Wellner. "On convex least squares estimation when the truth is linear." Electron. J. Statist. 10 (1) 171 - 209, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1214/15-EJS1098