The exponential stability and the concentration properties of a class of extended Kalman-Bucy filters are analyzed. New estimation concentration inequalities around partially observed signals are derived in terms of the stability properties of the filters. These non asymptotic exponential inequalities allow to design confidence interval type estimates in terms of the filter forgetting properties with respect to erroneous initial conditions. For uniformly stable and fully observable signals, we also provide explicit non-asymptotic estimates for the exponential forgetting rate of the filters and the associated stochastic Riccati equations w.r.t. Frobenius norms. These non asymptotic exponential concentration and quantitative stability estimates seem to be the first results of this type for this class of nonlinear filters. Our techniques combine
Pierre Del Moral. Aline Kurtzmann. Julian Tugaut. "On the stability and the concentration of extended Kalman-Bucy filters." Electron. J. Probab. 23 1 - 30, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1214/18-EJP188