Following Talagrand’s concentration results for permutations picked uniformly at random from a symmetric group [27], Luczak and McDiarmid have generalized it to more general groups of permutations which act suitably ‘locally’. Here we extend their results by setting transport-entropy inequalities on these permutations groups. Talagrand and Luczak-Mc-Diarmid concentration properties are consequences of these inequalities. The results are also generalised to a larger class of measures including Ewens distributions of arbitrary parameter $\theta $ on the symmetric group. By projection, we derive transport-entropy inequalities for the uniform law on the slice of the discrete hypercube and more generally for the multinomial law. These results are new examples, in discrete setting, of weak transport-entropy inequalities introduced in [7], that contribute to a better understanding of the concentration properties of measures on permutations groups. One typical application is deviation bounds for the so-called configuration functions, such as the number of cycles of given lenght in the cycle decomposition of a random permutation.
Paul-Marie Samson. "Transport-entropy inequalities on locally acting groups of permutations." Electron. J. Probab. 22 1 - 33, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1214/17-EJP54