We analyze a non-reversible mean-field jump dynamics for discrete q-valued rotators and show in particular that it exhibits synchronization. The dynamics is the mean-field analogue of the lattice dynamics investigated by the same authors which provides an example of a non-ergodic interacting particle system on the basis of a mechanism suggested by Maes and Shlosman.
Based on the correspondence to an underlying model of continuous rotators via a discretization transformation we show the existence of a locally attractive periodic orbit of rotating measures. We also discuss global attractivity, using a free energy as a Lyapunov function and the linearization of the ODE which describes typical behavior of the empirical distribution vector.
Benedikt Jahnel. Christof Külske. "Synchronization for discrete mean-field rotators." Electron. J. Probab. 19 1 - 26, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1214/EJP.v19-2948