Open Access
2005 One-dimensional Random Field Kac's Model: Localization of the Phases
Marzio Cassandro, Enza Orlandi, Pierre Picco, Maria Eulalia Vares
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Electron. J. Probab. 10: 786-864 (2005). DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v10-263


We study the typical profiles of a one dimensional random field Kac model, for values of the temperature and magnitude of the field in the region of two absolute minima for the free energy of the corresponding random field Curie Weiss model. We show that, for a set of realizations of the random field of overwhelming probability, the localization of the two phases corresponding to the previous minima is completely determined. Namely, we are able to construct random intervals tagged with a sign, where typically, with respect to the infinite volume Gibbs measure, the profile is rigid and takes, according to the sign, one of the two values corresponding to the previous minima. Moreover, we characterize the transition from one phase to the other. The analysis extends the one done by Cassandro, Orlandi and Picco in [13].


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Marzio Cassandro. Enza Orlandi. Pierre Picco. Maria Eulalia Vares. "One-dimensional Random Field Kac's Model: Localization of the Phases." Electron. J. Probab. 10 786 - 864, 2005.


Accepted: 14 July 2005; Published: 2005
First available in Project Euclid: 1 June 2016

zbMATH: 1109.60079
MathSciNet: MR2164031
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/EJP.v10-263

Primary: 60K35
Secondary: 82B20 , 82B43

Keywords: Kac potential , phase transition , random environment , Random walk

Vol.10 • 2005
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