May/June 2018 A class of differential operators with complex coefficients and compact resolvent
Horst Behncke, Don Hinton
Differential Integral Equations 31(5/6): 375-402 (May/June 2018). DOI: 10.57262/die/1516676435


We consider the problem of the a second order singular differential operator with complex coefficients in the discrete spectrum case. The Titchmarsh-Weyl m-function is constructed without the use of nesting circles, and it is then used to give a representation of the resolvent operator. Under conditions on the growth of the coefficients, the resolvent operator is proved to be Hilbert-Schmidt and the root subspaces are shown to be complete in the associated Hilbert space. The operator is considered on both the half line and whole line cases.


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Horst Behncke. Don Hinton. "A class of differential operators with complex coefficients and compact resolvent." Differential Integral Equations 31 (5/6) 375 - 402, May/June 2018.


Published: May/June 2018
First available in Project Euclid: 23 January 2018

zbMATH: 06861584
MathSciNet: MR3749214
Digital Object Identifier: 10.57262/die/1516676435

Primary: 34B20 , 34B24 , 34B27 , 34B60 , 34L05 , 34L10

Rights: Copyright © 2018 Khayyam Publishing, Inc.

Vol.31 • No. 5/6 • May/June 2018
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