Consider directed polymers in a random environment on the complete graph of size N. This model can be formulated as a product of i.i.d. N×N random matrices and its large time asymptotics is captured by Lyapunov exponents and the Furstenberg measure. We detail this correspondence, derive the long-time limit of the model and obtain a co-variant distribution for the polymer path.
Next, we observe that the model becomes exactly solvable when the disorder variables are located on edges of the complete graph and follow a totally asymmetric stable law of index α∈(0,1). Then, a certain notion of mean height of the polymer behaves like a random walk and we show that the height function is distributed around this mean according to an explicit law. Large N asymptotics can be taken in this setting, for instance, for the free energy of the system and for the invariant law of the polymer height with a shift. Moreover, we give some perturbative results for environments which are close to the totally asymmetric stable laws.
Francis Comets. Gregorio Moreno. Alejandro F. Ramí rez. "Random polymers on the complete graph." Bernoulli 25 (1) 683 - 711, February 2019. https://doi.org/10.3150/17-BEJ1002