Open Access
March 1995 Quadratic covariation and an extension of Itô's formula
Hans Föllmer, Philip Protter, Albert N. Shiryayev
Bernoulli 1(1-2): 149-169 (March 1995).


Let X be a standard Brownian motion. We show that for any locally square integrable function f the quadratic covariation [ f(X),X] exists as the usual limit of sums converging in probability. For an absolutely continuous function F with derivative f , Itô's formula takes the form F (X t)=F(X 0)+ 0 tf(X s)dX s+1 2 [f(X),X] t . This is extended to the time-dependent case. As an example, we introduce the local time of Brownian motion at a continuous curve.


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Hans Föllmer. Philip Protter. Albert N. Shiryayev. "Quadratic covariation and an extension of Itô's formula." Bernoulli 1 (1-2) 149 - 169, March 1995.


Published: March 1995
First available in Project Euclid: 2 August 2007

zbMATH: 0851.60048
MathSciNet: MR1354459

Keywords: Dirichlet processes , Itô's formula , Local time , quadratic covariation , Stratonovich integral

Rights: Copyright © 1995 Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability

Vol.1 • No. 1-2 • March 1995
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