Open Access
February 1999 Estimating the end-point of a probability distribution using minimum-distance methods
Peter Hall, Julian Z. Wang
Bernoulli 5(1): 177-189 (February 1999).


A technique based on minimum distance, derived from a coefficient of determination and representable in terms of Greenwood's statistic, is used to derive an estimator of the end-point of a distribution. It is appropriate in cases where the actual sample size is very large and perhaps unknown. The minimum-distance estimator is compared with a competitor based on maximum likelihood and shown to enjoy lower asymptotic variance for a range of values of the extremal exponent. When only a small number of extremes is available, it is well defined much more frequently than the maximum-likelihood estimator. The minimum-distance method allows exact interval estimation, since the version of Greenwood's statistic on which it is based does not depend on nuisance parameters.


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Peter Hall. Julian Z. Wang. "Estimating the end-point of a probability distribution using minimum-distance methods." Bernoulli 5 (1) 177 - 189, February 1999.


Published: February 1999
First available in Project Euclid: 12 March 2007

zbMATH: 0917.62013
MathSciNet: MR1673580

Keywords: central limit theorem , coefficient of determination , domain of attraction , Extreme value theory , goodness of fit , Greenwood's statistic , least-squares maximum-likelihood order statistic , Pareto distribution , sporting records , Weibull distribution

Rights: Copyright © 1999 Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability

Vol.5 • No. 1 • February 1999
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