Open Access
may 2011 On functions convex in the direction of the real axis with real coefficients
Leopold Koczan, Paweł Zaprawa
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 18(2): 321-335 (may 2011). DOI: 10.36045/bbms/1307452082


The paper is concerned with the class $X^{(n)}$ consisting of all functions, which are $n$-fold symmetric, convex in the direction of the real axis and have real coefficients. For this class we determine the Koebe domain, i.e. the set $\bigcap_{f\in X^{(n)}} f(\Delta)$, as well as the covering domain, i.e. the set $\bigcup_{f\in X^{(n)}} f(\Delta)$. The results depend on the parity of $n\in N$. We also obtain the minorant and the majorant for this class. These functions are defined as follows. If there exists an analytic, univalent function $m$ satisfying the following conditions: $m'(0)>0$, for every $f\in X^{(n)}$ there is $m\prec f$, and $\bigwedge_{f\in X^{(n)}}\ [k\prec f \Rightarrow k\prec m]$, then this function is called the minorant of $X^{(n)}$. Similarly, if there exists an analytic, univalent function $M$ such that $M'(0)>0$, for every $f\in X^{(n)}$ there is $f\prec M$, and $\bigwedge_{f\in X^{(n)}}\ [f\prec k \Rightarrow M\prec k]$, then this function is called the majorant of $X^{(n)}$. If these functions exist, then $m(\Delta)$ and $M(\Delta)$ coincide with the Koebe domain and the covering domain for $X^{(n)}$, respectively.


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Leopold Koczan. Paweł Zaprawa. "On functions convex in the direction of the real axis with real coefficients." Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 18 (2) 321 - 335, may 2011.


Published: may 2011
First available in Project Euclid: 7 June 2011

zbMATH: 1218.30041
MathSciNet: MR2848808
Digital Object Identifier: 10.36045/bbms/1307452082

Primary: 30C45
Secondary: 30C80

Keywords: convex in the direction of real axis , covering domain , Koebe domain , real coefficients

Rights: Copyright © 2011 The Belgian Mathematical Society

Vol.18 • No. 2 • may 2011
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