Open Access
October, 1992 Random Walks, Capacity and Percolation on Trees
Russell Lyons
Ann. Probab. 20(4): 2043-2088 (October, 1992). DOI: 10.1214/aop/1176989540


A collection of several different probabilistic processes involving trees is shown to have an unexpected unity. This makes possible a fruitful interplay of these probabilistic processes. The processes are allowed to have arbitrary parameters and the trees are allowed to be arbitrary as well. Our work has five specific aims: First, an exact correspondence between random walks and percolation on trees is proved, extending and sharpening previous work of the author. This is achieved by establishing surprisingly close inequalities between the crossing probabilities of the two processes. Second, we give an equivalent formulation of these inequalities which uses a capacity with respect to a kernel defined by the percolation. This capacitary formulation extends and sharpens work of Fan on random interval coverings. Third, we show how this formulation also applies to generalize work of Evans on random labelling of trees. Fourth, the correspondence between random walks and percolation is used to decide whether certain random walks on random trees are transient or recurrent a.s. In particular, we resolve a conjecture of Griffeath on the necessity of the Nash-Williams criterion. Fifth, for this last purpose, we establish several new basic results on branching processes in varying environments.


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Russell Lyons. "Random Walks, Capacity and Percolation on Trees." Ann. Probab. 20 (4) 2043 - 2088, October, 1992.


Published: October, 1992
First available in Project Euclid: 19 April 2007

zbMATH: 0766.60091
MathSciNet: MR1188053
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aop/1176989540

Primary: 60J15
Secondary: 60D05 , 60J80 , 60K35 , 82A43

Keywords: branching processes , capacity , Nash-Williams criterion , percolation , random covering , random labelling , Random walks , trees , varying environment

Rights: Copyright © 1992 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.20 • No. 4 • October, 1992
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