Open Access
December, 1960 Probability Distributions Related to Random Mappings
Bernard Harris
Ann. Math. Statist. 31(4): 1045-1062 (December, 1960). DOI: 10.1214/aoms/1177705677


A Random Mapping Space (X,J,P) is a triplet, where X is a finite set of elements x of cardinality n,J is a set of transformations T of X into X, and P is a probability measure over J. In this paper, four choices of J are considered (I) J is the set of all transformations of X into X. (II) J is the set of all transformations of X into X such that for each xεXTxx. (III) J is the set of one-to-one mappings of X onto X. (IV) J is the set of one-to-one mappings of X onto X, such that for each xεX,Txx. In each case P is taken as the uniform probability distribution over J. If xεX and TεJ, we will define Tkx as the kth iteration of T on x, where k is an integer, i.e. Tkx=T(Tk1x), and T0x=x for all x. The reader should note that, in general, Tkx,k<0, may not exist or may not be uniquely determined. If for some k0,Tkx=y, then y is said to be a kth image of x in T. The set of successors of x in T,ST(x) is the set of all images of x in T, i.e., ST(x)={x,Tx,T2x,,Tn1x}, which need not be all distinct elements. If for some k0,Tkx=y,y is said to be a kth inverse of x in T. The set of all kth inverses of x in T is T(k)(x) and PT(x)=k=n0T(k)(x) is the set of predecessors of x in T. If there exists an m>0, such that Tmx=x, then x is a cyclical element of T and the set of elements x,Tx,T2x,,Tm1x is the cycle containing x,CT(x). If m is the smallest positive integer for which Tmx=x, then CT(x) has cardinality m. We note further an interesting equivalence relation induced by T. If there exists a pair of integers k1,k2 such that Tk1x=Tk2y, then xy under T. It is readily seen that this is in fact an equivalence, and hence decomposes X into equivalence classes, which we shall call the components of X in T; and designate by KT(x) the component containing x. We define sT(x) to be the number of elements in ST(x),pT(x) to be the number of elements in PT(x), and lT(x) to be the number of elements in the cycle contained in KT(x) (i.e. l(x)= the number of elements in if is cyclical). We designate by the number of elements of cyclical in , and by the number of components of in . Rubin and Sitgreaves [9] in a Stanford Technical Report have obtained the distributions of and have given a generating function for the distribution of in case I. Folkert [3], in an unpublished doctoral dissertation has obtained the distribution of in cases I and II. The distribution of in case III is classical and may be found in Feller [2], Gontcharoff [4], and Riordan [8]. In the present paper, a number of these earlier results are rederived and extended. Specifically, for cases I and II, we compute the probability distributions of and . In cases III and IV the distributions of and are given. In addition some asymptotic distributions and low order moments are obtained. For the convenience of the reader, an index of notations having a fixed meaning is provided in the appendix to the paper.


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Bernard Harris. "Probability Distributions Related to Random Mappings." Ann. Math. Statist. 31 (4) 1045 - 1062, December, 1960.


Published: December, 1960
First available in Project Euclid: 27 April 2007

zbMATH: 0158.34905
MathSciNet: MR119227
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aoms/1177705677

Rights: Copyright © 1960 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.31 • No. 4 • December, 1960
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