Open Access
February 2010 Dynamics of the time to the most recent common ancestor in a large branching population
Steven N. Evans, Peter L. Ralph
Ann. Appl. Probab. 20(1): 1-25 (February 2010). DOI: 10.1214/09-AAP616


If we follow an asexually reproducing population through time, then the amount of time that has passed since the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all current individuals lived will change as time progresses. The resulting “MRCA age” process has been studied previously when the population has a constant large size and evolves via the diffusion limit of standard Wright–Fisher dynamics. For any population model, the sample paths of the MRCA age process are made up of periods of linear upward drift with slope +1 punctuated by downward jumps. We build other Markov processes that have such paths from Poisson point processes on ℝ++×ℝ++ with intensity measures of the form λμ where λ is Lebesgue measure, and μ (the “family lifetime measure”) is an arbitrary, absolutely continuous measure satisfying μ((0, ∞))=∞ and μ((x, ∞))<∞ for all x>0. Special cases of this construction describe the time evolution of the MRCA age in (1+β)-stable continuous state branching processes conditioned on nonextinction—a particular case of which, β=1, is Feller’s continuous state branching process conditioned on nonextinction. As well as the continuous time process, we also consider the discrete time Markov chain that records the value of the continuous process just before and after its successive jumps. We find transition probabilities for both the continuous and discrete time processes, determine when these processes are transient and recurrent and compute stationary distributions when they exist. Moreover, we introduce a new family of Markov processes that stands in a relation with respect to the general (1+β)-stable continuous state branching process and its conditioned version that is similar to the one between the family of Bessel-squared diffusions and the unconditioned and conditioned Feller continuous state branching process.


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Steven N. Evans. Peter L. Ralph. "Dynamics of the time to the most recent common ancestor in a large branching population." Ann. Appl. Probab. 20 (1) 1 - 25, February 2010.


Published: February 2010
First available in Project Euclid: 8 January 2010

zbMATH: 1182.92054
MathSciNet: MR2582640
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/09-AAP616

Primary: 60G18 , 60G55 , 60J80 , 92D10

Keywords: Bessel , continuous state branching , Duality , genealogy , most recent common ancestor , MRCA , piecewise deterministic , Poisson cut-out , Poisson point process , recurrence , Self-similar , stationary distribution , transience

Rights: Copyright © 2010 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.20 • No. 1 • February 2010
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