A pseudolength function defined on an arbitrary group is a map obeying , the symmetry property , and the triangle inequality for all . We consider pseudolength functions which saturate the triangle inequality whenever , or equivalently those that are homogeneous in the sense that for all . We show that this implies that for all . This leads to a classification of such pseudolength functions as pullbacks from embeddings into a Banach space. We also obtain a quantitative version of our main result which allows for defects in the triangle inequality or the homogeneity property.
Tobias Fritz. Siddhartha Gadgil. Apoorva Khare. Pace Nielsen. Lior Silberman. Terence Tao. "Homogeneous length functions on groups." Algebra Number Theory 12 (7) 1773 - 1786, 2018. https://doi.org/10.2140/ant.2018.12.1773