Open Access
May 2011 Limiting curlicue measures for theta sums
Francesco Cellarosi
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 47(2): 466-497 (May 2011). DOI: 10.1214/10-AIHP361


We consider the ensemble of curves {γα, N: α∈(0, 1], N∈ℕ} obtained by linearly interpolating the values of the normalized theta sum N−1/2n=0N'−1exp(πin2α), 0≤N'<N. We prove the existence of limiting finite-dimensional distributions for such curves as N→∞, when α is distributed according to any probability measure λ, absolutely continuous w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure on [0, 1]. Our Main Theorem generalizes a result by Marklof [Duke Math. J. 97 (1999) 127–153] and Jurkat and van Horne [Duke Math. J. 48 (1981) 873–885, Michigan Math. J. 29 (1982) 65–77]. Our proof relies on the analysis of the geometric structure of such curves, which exhibit spiral-like patterns (curlicues) at different scales. We exploit a renormalization procedure constructed by means of the continued fraction expansion of α with even partial quotients and a renewal-type limit theorem for the denominators of such continued fraction expansions.

Nous considérons l’ensemble des courbes {γα, N: α∈(0, 1], N∈ℕ} obtenues en interpolant les valeurs des sommes thêta normalisées N−1/2n=0N'−1exp(πin2α), 0≤N'<N. Nous démontrons l’existence de la limite des distributions fini-dimensionnelles de telles courbes quand N→∞, où α est distribué selon une quelconque mesure de probabilité λ, absolument continue par rapport à la mesure de Lebesgue sur [0, 1]. Notre théorème principal généralise un resultat de Marklof [Duke Math. J. 97 (1999) 127–153] et de Jurkat et van Horne [Duke Math. J. 48 (1981) 873–885, Michigan Math. J. 29 (1982) 65–77]. Notre démonstration se base sur l’analyse des structures géomètriques de telles courbes, qui présentent des motifs à spirale (curlicues) à différentes échelles. Nous exploitons une procédure de renormalisation construite par le developpement de α en fractions continues avec quotients partiels pairs et un théorème de renouvellement pour les dénominateurs de tels developpements en fractions continues.


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Francesco Cellarosi. "Limiting curlicue measures for theta sums." Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 47 (2) 466 - 497, May 2011.


Published: May 2011
First available in Project Euclid: 23 March 2011

zbMATH: 1233.37026
MathSciNet: MR2814419
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/10-AIHP361

Primary: 11J70 , 11K50 , 28D05 , 37E05 , 60F99 , 60K05

Keywords: Continued fractions with even partial quotients , Curlicues , Limiting distribution , Renewal-type limit theorems , Theta sums

Rights: Copyright © 2011 Institut Henri Poincaré

Vol.47 • No. 2 • May 2011
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