Open Access
2014 Euler characteristics of generalized Haken manifolds
Michael W Davis, Allan L Edmonds
Algebr. Geom. Topol. 14(6): 3701-3716 (2014). DOI: 10.2140/agt.2014.14.3701


Haken n–manifolds have been defined and studied by B Foozwell and H Rubinstein in analogy with the classical Haken manifolds of dimension 3, based upon the theory of boundary patterns developed by K Johannson. The Euler characteristic of a Haken manifold is analyzed and shown to be equal to the sum of the Charney–Davis invariants of the duals of the boundary complexes of the n–cells at the end of a hierarchy. These dual complexes are shown to be flag complexes. It follows that the Charney–Davis conjecture is equivalent to the Euler characteristic sign conjecture for Haken manifolds. Since the Charney–Davis invariant of a flag simplicial 3–sphere is known to be nonnegative it follows that a closed Haken 4–manifold has nonnegative Euler characteristic. These results hold as well for generalized Haken manifolds whose hierarchies can end with compact contractible manifolds rather than cells.


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Michael W Davis. Allan L Edmonds. "Euler characteristics of generalized Haken manifolds." Algebr. Geom. Topol. 14 (6) 3701 - 3716, 2014.


Received: 28 February 2014; Revised: 2 June 2014; Accepted: 9 June 2014; Published: 2014
First available in Project Euclid: 19 December 2017

zbMATH: 1314.57021
MathSciNet: MR3302976
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2140/agt.2014.14.3701

Primary: 57N65
Secondary: 05E45 , 57N80

Keywords: aspherical manifold , boundary pattern , Charney–Davis conjecture , Euler characteristic , flag triangulation , generalized homology sphere , Haken manifold , Hierarchy , orbifold

Rights: Copyright © 2014 Mathematical Sciences Publishers

Vol.14 • No. 6 • 2014
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