Open Access
April 2018 Optimal stretching for lattice points and eigenvalues
Richard S. Laugesen, Shiya Liu
Author Affiliations +
Ark. Mat. 56(1): 111-145 (April 2018). DOI: 10.4310/ARKIV.2018.v56.n1.a8


We aim to maximize the number of first-quadrant lattice points in a convex domain with respect to reciprocal stretching in the coordinate directions. The optimal domain is shown to be asymptotically balanced, meaning that the stretch factor approaches $1$ as the “radius” approaches infinity. In particular, the result implies that among all $p$-ellipses (or Lamé curves), the $p$-circle encloses the most first-quadrant lattice points as the radius approaches infinity, for $1\lt p \lt \infty$.

The case $p=2$ corresponds to minimization of high eigenvalues of the Dirichlet Laplacian on rectangles, and so our work generalizes a result of Antunes and Freitas. Similarly, we generalize a Neumann eigenvalue maximization result of van den Berg, Bucur and Gittins. Further, Ariturk and Laugesen recently handled $0 \lt p \lt 1$ by building on our results here.

The case $p=1$ remains open, and is closely related to minimizing energy levels of harmonic oscillators: which right triangles in the first quadrant with two sides along the axes will enclose the most lattice points, as the area tends to infinity?


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Richard S. Laugesen. Shiya Liu. "Optimal stretching for lattice points and eigenvalues." Ark. Mat. 56 (1) 111 - 145, April 2018.


Received: 23 January 2017; Revised: 8 May 2017; Published: April 2018
First available in Project Euclid: 19 June 2019

zbMATH: 1390.35206
MathSciNet: MR3800462
Digital Object Identifier: 10.4310/ARKIV.2018.v56.n1.a8

Primary: 35P15
Secondary: 11P21 , 52C05

Keywords: $p$-ellipse , Dirichlet eigenvalues , Lamé curve , Laplacian , lattice points , Neumann eigenvalues , planar convex domain , spectral optimization

Rights: Copyright © 2018 Institut Mittag-Leffler

Vol.56 • No. 1 • April 2018
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