In this article we give sufficient conditions for the hypoellipticity in the first level of the abstract complex generated by the differential operators , , where is a sectorial operator in a Banach space , with , and is a series of nonnegative powers of with coefficients in , being an open set of with arbitrary. Analogous complexes have been studied by several authors in this field, but only in the case and with a Hilbert space. Therefore, in this article, we provide an improvement of these results by treating the question in a more general setup. First, we provide sufficient conditions to get the partial hypoellipticity for that complex in the elliptic region. Second, we study the particular operator , for , which will allow us to solve the problem of points which do not belong to the elliptic region.
E. R. Aragão-Costa. "Partial hypoellipticity for a class of abstract differential complexes on Banach space scales." Ann. Funct. Anal. 10 (2) 262 - 276, May 2019. https://doi.org/10.1215/20088752-2018-0023